First prince couple from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Jacky I. and Princess Gerda II. (Bürvenich)
43 members
For the first time organization of Heimerzheimer children's meeting by the honor guard
64 members
1986 - 1988
First solo dance couple of the honor guard: Dörthe Gerban and Frank Knepper
First minigarde
The 100th member joins the honor guard
25 years honor guard Heimerzheim
Second prince couple from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Rolf I and Princess Monica II (Küpper)
First village tournament of the honor guard
Third prince couple from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Günter II and Princess Helene I. (Wirtz)
The 150th member is admitted to the honor guard
Fourth prince couple from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Helmut I and Princess Bärbel I. (Albrecht)
30 years honor guard Heimerzheim
First triumvirate in the history of the Heimerzheim Carnival, provided by the Honor Guard: Prince Karl I (Heuel), virgin Rudi I. (Klimke) and farmer Georg I. (Rheindorf)
2004 - 2014
Second solo dance couple of the honor guard: Corinna Hambach and Christopher Velten
Fifth prince couple from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Juergen I and Princess Christine I (Luppus)
Application for charitable status and registration as an independent association in the association register as
Honor Guard Heimerzheim Anno 1974 eV
First Rosenmontagszug as an independent club
The honor guard is the first time with two horses in the Rosenmontagszug
The honor guard lives modern equality: for the first time women are taken up with the "men's club uniform". Men in women's uniform would be possible - only one has not yet found ;-)
Sixth prince couple from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Manfred III. and Princess Ruth I. (Lütz)
2013 - 2015
First youth solo dance couple of the honor guard: Celine Floss and Marc Stindtmann
Seventh Prince and Queen of Honor: Prince Günter III. (Tappeser) and Regina I. (Wirtz)
40 years Honor Guard Heimerzheim
Second triumvirate from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Stefan I (Klimke), Virgin Bernadette (Bern Floss) and farmer Thomas (Spilles)
Third triumvirate from the ranks of the honor guard: Prince Frank Johannes I (Knepper), Virgin Rita (Knepper) and farmer Godehard (Rupp)
Appointment of the honorary guard's first honorary commander: Stefan Klimke
First Youth Solomariechen of honor guard
01.05.2019: Our new mini dance guard is launched. Now even the little ones from 4 years can join in.
10.05.2019: Announcement of the first Heimerzheim ladies' triumvirate involving the honorary guard Heimerzheim: Princess Laura I (Lasch), Virgin Ruth-Wilhelmina (Lütz) and Farmer Elsberd (Elsbeth Bauer)
Give us a call:02254 830040
You'll find us here: Ballengasse 23, 53913 Swisttal, Germany